Saturday, September 8, 2007

Bob Kerrey and Norman Hsu

Former U.S. Senator Bob Kerrey, according to a Wall Street Journal article today, is a long time friend of the recently arrested Democratic fundraiser Norman Hsu.

According to the article:
"Bob Kerrey ... who is president of the New School in Manhattan, met Mr. Hsu through a mutual friend a few years ago. Mr. Kerrey declined to say who the mutual firend is. Mr. Hsu endowed a scholarship in his own name at the New School's Eugene Lang School and joined its board. Last year, he became a trustee of the university. He resigned last week, before surrendering to California authorities. Mr. Kerrey says he enjoyed talking about the fashion business with Mr. Hsu and appreciated his Asian roots. "I thought he would be a great addition to our community."
Many in Democratic circles and the news media are actively encouraging Bob Kerrey to enter the 2008 U.S. Senate race in Nebraska.

It will be interesting to hear of the various Democratic responses regarding Norman Hsu on an official and unofficial basis in the weeks ahead.

According to many, a "don't ask, don't tell" position with respect to Democratic political campaign fundraising will continue into the future.

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